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I have a good friend who, despite my advice, invests virtually all of his portfolio in an S&P 500 index fund. No foreign stocks, no real estate, no emerging markets, no bonds. Lately, there’s no denying that the US has been the place to be, and just looking at his recent performance, you can almost […]
After an incredibly long, emotionally-charged campaign, the 2016 election is finally over. The GOP has swept and will control the White House and both Houses of Congress for at least the next two years. Investors are understandably curious, and perhaps a bit nervous, about what the results may mean for the economy, markets and their […]
One of the more frequent questions we hear pertains to investing in fixed income mutual funds vs. buying individual bonds. The question usually takes the form of something like “Why invest in a bond fund when you can buy individual bond(s), collect the coupons, and hold until maturity?” The underlying assumption in the question is, […]
First, the good news – the world is wealthier today than it has ever been. Total global wealth now clocks in at around $250 trillion, or almost $34,000 for every man, woman and child on earth. World GDP per capita, a measure of annual global income, is also at all-time highs – more than $16,000 […]
As you may have noticed, interest rates are very low at the moment. In fact, they may be the lowest they have ever been. As I write this piece in the middle of August, some $13.4 trillion in global government debt actually trades at negative yields, representing an astonishing 1/3 of all sovereign debt outstanding. […]
Did you know that it’s possible to “kill” your own IRA? Now by “kill” I am referring to losing the tax qualified status of your retirement account by engaging in either a prohibited transaction, or making a prohibited investment. This risk typically only arises within a “Self-Directed” IRA (SDIRA), where an investor eschews the traditional […]
Do you ever find yourself enamored with the idea of running your own private family office, but lack the $100 million or so it takes to make it economically feasible? Are you charitably inclined and wish to establish a permanent legacy of giving for yourself (and perhaps your children)? Then I have some good news […]
As long-term, evidence-based investors, we know that our portfolios should be diversified. And if we wrinkle our foreheads a little and think about it for a minute, we may even be able to list some of the important benefits of having a well-diversified portfolio: First and foremost, a diversified portfolio reduces risk by owning multiple, […]
When you think about it, there are plenty of good reasons why pharmaceutical sales representatives are not allowed to sell drugs directly to patients. Besides the obvious lack of medical training necessary to prescribe them safely, these representatives would clearly be subject to a significant conflict of interest with their own customers. The conflict would […]
As I write this month’s Insights piece, the financial markets are off to a rough start for the year. After the first week of trading, the S&P 500 is down 6%, international developed markets overall are off by 6.5% and emerging markets have fallen 8.3%. As long-term investors we know that volatility is the price […]
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